Get the most from your home heating experience with us
Service Issues
If your unit fails to operate, please perform the following before contacting us:
If the unit still is not operating, please contact us immediately.
General Maintenance
To ensure that this heating season is as comfortable and convenient as possible:
Please perform an inspection of your oil storage tank and the oil lines leading from the tank to your oil burner or furnace. Look for areas of corrosion or wet spots that could be potential leaks. If your oil lines are bare copper, ensure that they are not in contact with concrete; concrete is corrosive to copper, and you should consider an upgrade to a sleeved oil line.
Your batteries should be changed at daylight savings time. Changing the batteries will ensure that your thermostat is functioning properly throughout the heating season and will avoid any unnecessary service calls.
If there is an accumulation of excessive snow, it is extremely important to ensure timely deliveries. Driveways should be plowed to a minimum of 10 feet wide to enable the oil delivery trucks to fit. If the truck must make a tight turn to access your driveway from the road, please make sure that the bottom portion is plowed extra wide.
This is especially important for automatic deliveries. It is important that our drivers are able to locate your oil tank fill pipe. Please clear a path to the fill pipe and expose your fill pipe. If you have an underground storage tank, mark the fill location with a reflective driveway marker, which can be obtained at any hardware store.
If you have any questions or require any further information, please feel free to contact the office during regular business hours. We are looking forward to a happy and warm winter.