Learn about our flexible payment options

Automatic Delivery

  • • Complete the form to the best of your ability and return it to our office. We will bill you after each delivery, and you will have thirty days to pay from the date of delivery.

Budget Plans

There are never any enrollment or sign-up fees for our budget plans. We recommend them for the following reasons:


  • • Budget plans are perfect for clients who are on fixed incomes, are trying to limit their monthly spending, or just want to spread their oil heating costs over an extended period of time.
  • • Our Budget Plans run for ten months, starting in either May or June, with payment due by the 15th of each month. We take your annual consumption factor by our anticipated cost per gallon for the upcoming year and spread out that total cost over the ten months.


  • • Combined with some form of automatic payment and automatic delivery, you need only worry about your heating oil deliveries once a year, in the spring, when your budget plan renews.


HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) is a federally funded program to assist low-income households in meeting their heating needs.

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